Tezcan Gecgil

Tezcan Gecgil

Expertise: ETFs, Options Trading, Technical and Fundamental Analysis

Education: PhD (Business Studies), MSc (Investment Banking & Trading), MBA

Awards & Accomplishments: Completed all 3 levels of the Chartered Market Technician (CMT) qualification

About Tezcan
Tezcan Gecgil, PhD, began contributing to InvestorPlace in 2018. She has worked in investment management in the U.S. and U.K., including a Greenwich, Connecticut-based hedge fund as well as the American Stock Exchange, CFA Institute, and Bloomberg. She has also taught at various U.S. and U.K. universities.

She holds Ph.D. (Business Studies) as well as MSc (Investment Banking & Trading) and MBA degrees from leading U.S. and U.K. universities and has also completed all three levels of the Chartered Market Technician (CMT) examination.

Her passion is for options trading based on technical analysis of fundamentally strong companies. She especially enjoys setting up weekly covered calls for income generation. Publicly, she has also contributed to investing.com and the U.K. website of The Motley Fool. She is also part of the investment management writing team at Copylab.

When not navigating the markets, Tezcan delves into the mysteries of history and explores new destinations.

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