Tim Biggam

Tim Biggam

Delta Derivatives Tim Biggam is a veteran option strategy specialist and develops disciplined trading strategies for high- and low-volatility market environments.

He previously served as the Lead Option Strategist at Thinkorswim and the Chief Option Strategist at MF Global. Tim can be seen regularly on CBOE-TV, CNBC, Bloomberg TV, and BNN.

Recent Articles

Amazon Stock Is a Long-Term Buy and a Short-Term Sell

AMZN stock is primed for a pullback before it gets to new highs post split. Patience will pay with a lower entry price.

AMC Stock Is the Gift That Keeps on Giving as It Goes Nowhere

AMC stock continues to trade sideways as the meme frenzy settles down. Time to be a buyer on the next leg lower.

Exxon Mobil Is Finally a Short Now That Oil Is Going to $200

XOM stock is overbought and overhyped as both oil and oil stocks go parabolic. It's time to be a seller in a prudent manner.

QuantumScape May Be Fully Recharged After Having the Plug Pulled

QS stock still has a bright future even after the recent rout. Time to position for upside with a bull call spread.

Alphabet Is a Money Machine and Will Keep on Printing Profits

GOOG stock is an undervalued tech giant and will keep on printing cash. Time to be a buyer with a defined risk spread.