Tim Melvin

Tim Melvin

Tim Melvin is a value investor, money manager and writer residing in Windermere, Fla. He has spent the last 27 years as in the financial services and investment industry as a broker, adviser and portfolio manager. He has also written and lectured extensively on the markets with his work appearing on RealMoney.Com, DailySpecualations.com and several other websites.

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Betting on a perfect scenario is a fool's errand, but that's exactly what you're doing if you buy into one of these three overpriced stocks.

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Private equity firms offer a lot of wisdom about long-term value plays. Investors would be wise to pay attention.

Community Bank Stocks: How to Cash in From Banking Reforms

The current bank merger and acquisition wave is in the early stages of what should be a very long cycle for community bank stocks. A double compounding effect will help you cash in.

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