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Can Google’s Monopoly Be Disrupted?

Google's ability to leverage our personal information is scary to many. These companies are looking to tip the scales in users' favor.

How “DoorDash Europe” Made Early Investors a 200x Return

If nine out of 10 of your investments go to zero, that's bad, right? Well, not if the one that succeeds has a 200 times return.

Warren Buffett and Elon Musk Aren’t Buying Stocks… So Why Are You?

At well over 200%, the Buffett Indicator provides a glimpse into why billionaires aren't investing as much in the markets these days.

Private Investors Are Already Printing Metaverse Money

The metaverse is here, but what's the best way to invest in it? There are a lot of exciting opportunities worth checking out.

What This $3 Billion YouTube Channel Deal Means for Your Wealth

You might not have heard of Moonbug Entertainment, but they've grown to be one of the biggest names in children's entertainment.