Wayne Duggan

Wayne Duggan

Wayne Duggan was born and raised in a small town in rural Alabama and earned his BS degree from MIT in Brain & Cognitive Sciences in 2006. Aside from his blog “Trading Common Sense,” Duggan has written stock analysis articles for Motley Fool and Seeking Alpha, and he currently works as a financial writer for Benzinga. His articles have been linked by CNN Money, Yahoo Finance, USA Today, and other leading financial news sites. In addition, Duggan is the author of the book “Beating Wall Street With Common Sense.”

Recent Articles

Right Now It Looks Like Netflix Stock Can’t Be Stopped

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SNAP stock has rallied 30 percent following earnings, but a closer look reveals a company that has a tough road ahead.

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AAPL could double the dividend yield of Apple stock to 3.4% without dipping into its massive cash pile or putting its balance sheet at risk. This strategy would help offset negative market sentiment from slowing iPhone sales.

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