Berkshire Hath-B (BRK-B)

$514.48 0.65 (0.13%)
19:00 EST BRK-B Stock Quote Delayed 30 Minutes

Berkshire Hathaway Energy (BRK.B) Sales Growth Hampers Rating

Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co (NYSE:BRK.B) is classified as a component of the 17 company Diversified Financial Services GICS industry group, which is a segment of the 772 company GICS Financials sector. The market value of BRK.B is $462.2 billion which places it in the top 10% of its industry group. The current Portfolio Grader ranking for BRK.B puts it 9 among the 17 companies in this industry group, giving it a below-average spot; in the top half of the sector with a ranking of 353 among the 772 companies in the sector, and number 1,846 in the nearly 5,000 company Portfolio Grader universe.

Berkshire Hathaway Energy (BRK.B) Hold Ranking Retained

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Previous Close $502.41
Market Cap 687.53B
PE Ratio 12.47
EPS 41.2665
Volume (Avg. Vol.) 6.40M
Day's Range $504.33 - $515.37
52-Week Range $395.66 - $515.37
Dividend & Yield N/A (N/A)