Chegg, Inc. Common Stock (CHGG)

$1.03 0.04 (3.74%)
19:00 EST CHGG Stock Quote Delayed 30 Minutes

Chegg’s (CHGG) Solid Earnings Momentum Make it a Buy at recent price of $19.15

The Buy recommendation for Chegg Inc is the conclusion of a proprietary process of evaluation which generated results that were above average in 5 area: an economic sector ranked above average in attractiveness, an industry group ranked above average in attractiveness, a ranking in the company's sector that is in the top quarter, ranking in its industry group that is in the top quarter, and a numerical calculation of risk/reward that is very attractive; and produced below average outcomes in 1 areas: analytical scores that are below average.

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Previous Close -
Market Cap 149.02M
PE Ratio -0.13
EPS -8.09
Volume (Avg. Vol.) 5.70M
Day's Range $1.02 - $1.17
52-Week Range $1.01 - $9.14
Dividend & Yield N/A (N/A)