Inovalon Holdings, Inc. - Class A Common Stock (INOV)

$30.37 0.18 (0.60%)
11:51 EST INOV Stock Quote Delayed 30 Minutes

Inovalon Holding (INOV) a Hold on Vapid Sales Growth

Inovalon Holding Inc (NASDAQ:INOV) is classified as a component of the 24 company Health Care Technology GICS industry group, which is part of the 782 company GICS Health Care sector. INOV's market value is $2.3 billion which falls in the top half of its industry group. The current Portfolio Grader ranking for INOV puts it 14 among the 24 companies in this industry group, giving it a lower than average position; in the third quartile of the sector with a ranking of 409 among the 782 companies in the sector, and number 2,440 in the nearly 5,000 company Portfolio Grader universe.

Inovalon Holding (INOV) a Hold on Vapid Sales Growth

Inovalon Holding (INOV) a Hold on Vapid Sales Growth

Inovalon Holding (INOV) a Hold on Vapid Sales Growth

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Market Cap 4.58B
PE Ratio 89.32
EPS 0.34
Volume (Avg. Vol.) 619
Day's Range $30.34 - $30.37
52-Week Range $27.35 - $30.21
Dividend & Yield N/A (N/A)