Koninklijke Philips N.V. NY Registry Shares (PHG)

$26.73 0.00 (0.00%)
19:00 EST PHG Stock Quote Delayed 30 Minutes

Quant Score Make Koninklijke Philips (PHG) a Buy

Portfolio Grader currently ranks Koninklijke Philips NV (NYSE:PHG) a Buy. With proprietary fundamental and quantitative metrics developed by Louis Navellier, this analytical tool evaluates nearly 5,000 stocks weekly. This represents no change from the previous week and is the same ranking PHG has had from Portfolio Grader for 4 months.

Koninklijke Philips (PHG) a Buy on Robust Quant Score

Koninklijke Philips (PHG) a Buy on Strong Quant Score

Koninklijke Philips’ (PHG) Healthy Quant Score Keeps it a Buy

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Market Cap -
PE Ratio -
Volume (Avg. Vol.) 360
Day's Range -
52-Week Range $19.75 - $32.91
Dividend & Yield N/A (N/A)