Regions Financial (RF)

$23.37 0.07 (0.30%)
19:00 EST RF Stock Quote Delayed 30 Minutes

Regions Financial (RF) a Hold on Poor Sales Growth

Portfolio Grader currently ranks Regions Financial Corp (NYSE:RF) a Hold. The approach to investing incorporated in this analytical tool developed by Louis Navellier assesses and ranks nearly 5,000 stocks each week from a fundamental and quantitative perspective. RF has maintained this ranking for 3 months.

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Trade of the Day: Regions Financial Corp Looks Set to Charge Higher

Regions Financial Corp (RF) Falls Despite Earnings Beat

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Market Cap 22.31B
PE Ratio 12.11
EPS 1.93
Volume (Avg. Vol.) 8.47M
Day's Range $23.23 - $23.75
52-Week Range $17.72 - $27.96
Dividend & Yield $1.00 (4.28%)