VALE S.A. American Depositary Shares Each Representing one common share (VALE)

$9.76 0.00 (0.00%)
19:00 EST VALE Stock Quote Delayed 30 Minutes

Vale SA (VALE) Quant Score Limit Rating

VALE is rated as a Hold by means of the Portfolio Grader stock evaluator. With unique fundamental and quantitative metric based, this analytical tool evaluates nearly 5,000 stocks weekly. VALE has recently seen its Portfolio Grader rating downgraded over the last month from a Buy to a Hold.

Vale SA (VALE) Sees Rating Decline….. Weak Earnings Momentum

Rating for Vale SA (VALE) Lowered by Drooping Earnings Momentum

Vale SA (VALE) a Buy on Strong Earnings Growth

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Previous Close -
Market Cap -
PE Ratio -
Volume (Avg. Vol.) 5,145
Day's Range -
52-Week Range $8.38 - $13.68
Dividend & Yield $0.74 (7.58%)