Eric Fry, “You need to recession proof your retirement now” 

Eric Fry is sounding the alarm on the stock market. Several headwinds are all converging, and he warns a massive sell-off could be just around the corner. He’s holding an emergency update with a special guest to reveal a unique way you can recession-proof your retirement.

Tue, September 24 at 8:00PM ET

Getting Started

What is an Option? Part 2

Part 2 of definitions and basics of options trading

Options Pricing

The Options Industry Council offers the basics on getting started with options investing.

What is an Option?

Using options as investment tools and determining the value and price of an option.

What is an Option? Part 1

Definitions and other introductory material on options.

What is an Option? Part 3

The Options Industry Council offers the basics on getting started with options investing.

Getting Started in Options

The Options Industry Council offers the basics on getting started with options investing.

Options — Benefits and Risks

The Options Industry Council offers the basics on getting started with options investing.

4 Benefits of Selling Options

When you buy options, you have to be right about market direction and about the amount of time it will take the market to move. But did you know that it is possible to be on the other side of the trade?

Understanding How Implied Volatility Affects Options Traders

When used correctly, implied volatility can control your risk and help you make smarter trades by getting a better read on market behavior.

Understanding How Implied Volatility Affects Options Traders – Part Three

Trading options on the VIX is different from most stock option trading, but can be extremely profitable. Here's how to do it.

Understanding How Implied Volatility Affects Options Traders: Part Two

The VIX is one of the most useful forms of implied volatility and can signal important trends in the market. Here's how to identify them.

Options Pricing: Bid-Ask Spread

Every option has two prices at any time of the trading day: the bid and the ask price.

Options Expiration, Exercise and Assignment

Whether you are an options buyer or seller, you will want to make sure you understand how these three critical factors can affect your trades.

Options Delta: Understanding Delta in Options

Find out how delta can help you to determine the probability that an option will expire in the money.

Predicting Volatility With the VIX, Part 3

Learn how you can trade changes in the VIX through futures, options or exchange-traded notes (ETNs).

Predicting Volatility With the VIX, Part 2

Learn how the VIX can be used to help identify entry and exit points, even when market volatility is high.

Predicting Volatility With the VIX

The VIX is the best gauge of risk and sentiment available to the investing public, and can be used effectively by any trader within any market.

Strike the Right Position

Part of the options profit equation is knowing what type to buy and when.