Here are your Apple rumors and news items for Thursday:
Motion Controlled Apple iPad, iPhone and HDTV: Considering that Steve Jobs told biographer Walter Isaacson the Apple HDTV would have “the simplest interface,” it’s difficult to imagine that the device would have anything but a motion-controlled interface. A modern, simple living room television wouldn’t use a remote control or a touchscreen or even a mouse and keyboard. Those options are alternately too complicated and inconvenient for the average living room. The only option is gesture-based motion controls akin to those used by Microsoft‘s (NASDAQ:MSFT) Kinect. An Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) patent made public this week suggests Apple will use this technology. The patent, “Real Time Video Process Control Using Gestures,” actually describes video-editing technology for the iPhone and iPad that will let users gesture to activate recording tools, according to Apple Insider. An iPhone owner, for example, could set his device on a surface like any other video camera, get in position, then wave his hand to begin filming. The technology, of course, could be applied to any Apple-made device for whatever purpose without necessarily infringing on patents held by Microsoft.
iPad 3 Woes: Word is that Apple is preparing a new iPad for release in early 2012 with a new high-definition screen similar to the Retina Display screen used in current models of iPhone. The new iPad likely would release by the end of the first quarter, not unlike its predecessors. However, a Thursday report at CNET said Apple mighthave trouble getting the iPad 3 out by then. Sources within the company’s Asian suppliers said Apple indeed is preparing a high-resolution iPad whose “pixel density is so high your eye is unable to distinguish individual pixels.” Making the screen is possible, but making them in the necessary quantities might not be. Apple’s screen suppliers LG and Samsung (PINK:SSNLF) would begin production of the new model in November, but the article suggests that even with three months ahead of time, they might not be able to produce enough of the HD touchscreens to fulfill the millions-strong orders necessary for a strong product release.
DirecTV Comes to iPad: Like Comcast (NASDAQ:CMCSA) and Time Warner (NYSE:TWX) before it, DirecTV (NASDAQ:DTV) now is letting its subscribers stream a limited selection of television shows on their iPads. But there’s a hitch. According to a Wednesday report at 9 to 5 Mac, DirecTV’s streaming app will not work on jailbroken iPads. For those unfamiliar, jailbreaking refers to hacking an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch so it can run apps and perform in ways not approved by Apple (though it can be applied to other manufacturers’ devices as well.) The FCC declared jailbreaking legal in 2010.
As of this writing, Anthony John Agnello did not own a position in any of the stocks named here. Follow him on Twitter at @ajohnagnello and become a fan of InvestorPlace on Facebook.