GOOG Stock – Google Buys Artificial Intelligence Startup DeepMind

Goolge, announced on Monday, that it bought the artificial intelligence startup DeepMind. The startup was reportedly bought for around $400 million. More 

F Stock – Ford Focus Is Best-Selling Car in the World

Ford says its Focus compact car is the top selling card in the world, boosting by strong Chinese sales. More 

Top 10 Dow Dividend Stocks for January

The market rally is getting more selective as we go deeper into 2014. Stick with these safe dividend stocks that have a history of dependable payouts. More 

5 Stocks With Awful Operating Margin Growth — CTEL TWGP TSRA NYNY SCHN

This week, these five stocks have the worst ratings in Operating Margin Growth, one of the eight Fundamental Categories on Portfolio Grader. More 

5 Stocks With Awful Sales Growth — HTS MITT MNKD UEC IDIX

This week, these five stocks have the worst ratings in Sales Growth, one of the eight Fundamental Categories on Portfolio Grader. More 

Advancing Towards a Bulletproof Retirement

A balanced portfolio doesn't just ensure protection against one investment going south; it also considers the day-to-day financial needs. Learn how to get there More 

Respect Last Friday’s Selloff in the S&P 500. Don’t Fear It.

Last Friday's selloff in the S&P 500 and other global risk assets shouldn't be ignored, as many chunks of the market sliced through important support levels. More