High-Level Analytics for Sales Growth Keep Micron Technology (MU) a Strong Buy

Micron Technology Inc (NASDAQ:MU) is ranked as a Strong Buy using Louis Navellier's Portfolio Grader stock evaluator, which incorporates his investing methodology. This represents no change from the previous week and is the same ranking MU has had from Portfolio Grader for 9 months. More 

Healthy Quant Score Make Intel (INTC) a Buy

Currently, Intel Corp (NASDAQ:INTC) has a Buy using Louis Navellier's methodology for investing and his Portfolio Grader stock evaluator. The current Portfolio Grader recommendation on the shares has been in place for 2 months. More 

General Electric (GE) a Strong Sell on Adverse Earnings Momentum

Portfolio Grader currently ranks General Electric Co (NYSE:GE) a Strong Sell. With unique fundamental and quantitative analytical tools developed by Louis Navellier, this analytical tool evaluates nearly 5,000 stocks weekly. This represents no change from the previous week and is the same ranking GE has had from Portfolio Grader for 4 months. More 

Earnings Visibility Metrics Keep Chesapeake Energy (CHK) a Strong Sell

Chesapeake Energy Corp (NYSE:CHK) is a $3.5 billion in market value constituent of the Oil Gas & Consumable Fuels GICS industry group where the stock's current Portfolio Grader ranking places it 268 among the 289 companies in this industry group, a position that is well below-average. CHK is ranked squarely in the bottom quartile of the sector with a ranking of 333 among the 362 companies in the sector and number 4,434 in the 5000 company Portfolio Grader company universe. More 

Bank of America (BAC) Earnings Momentum Restrict Rating

Bank of America Corp (NYSE:BAC) is a component of the 339 company Banks GICS industry group, which is a segment of the 761 company GICS Financials sector. BAC's market value is $312.5 billion which places it in the top decile in its industry group. Portfolio Grader's current ranking for BAC puts it 134 among the 339 companies in this industry group, putting it in the second quartile; in the top half of the sector with a ranking of 349 among the 761 companies in the sector, and number 2,480 in the nearly 5,000 company Portfolio Grader universe. More 

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) Earnings Growth Penalize Rating

Currently, Advanced Micro Devices Inc (NASDAQ:AMD) has a Hold using Louis Navellier's Portfolio Grader stock evaluator, which incorporates his investing methodology. AMD has maintained this ranking for the last month. More 

Why It’s Time for Investors to Buy Intel Corporation Stock

With Intel growing revenues and once again transforming itself into a cutting-edge tech company, it's time to buy INTC stock. More