ADBE stock rallied 70% in 2017. Can the company's growth keep up with its torrid share price? More
Analytics for Quant Score Drive Upgrade of Vale SA (VALE) to Buy
Portfolio Grader currently ranks Vale SA (NYSE:VALE) a Buy. The system for fundamental and quantitative metrics used in this analytical tool, developed by Louis Navellier researches and ranks nearly 5,000 stocks each week. The current overall Portfolio Grader recommendation on the shares has changed twice in the past month, which represents a greater level of change than is typical. More
Sub-Par Quant Score Limits Upgrade of Teva Pharmaceutical Industries (TEVA) Shares
With a $19.1 billion market value, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd (NYSE:TEVA) ranks in the top quarter of its industry group, Pharmaceuticals, and in the top 10% of its sector group, Health Care, in market value. From the vantage point of investment attractiveness, the stock's current Portfolio Grader ranking places it 111 among the 134 companies in this industry group, a position that is well below-average; squarely in the bottom quartile of the sector with a ranking of 671 among the 781 companies in the sector, and number 4,040 in the nearly 5,000 company Portfolio Grader universe. More
Expect More of the Same From Markets in 2018
With the S&P 500 climbing nearly 20% during 2017, traders are wondering what’s in store for 2018. We anticipate it’s going to be more of the same. More
Pareteum (TEUM) a Hold on Uninspiring Quant Score
Pareteum Corp (NYSE:TEUM) is ranked as a Hold using the stock evaluator from Portfolio Grader, which incorporates Louis Navellier's investing system. The current Portfolio Grader recommendation on the shares has been in place for 4 months. More
PayPal Holdings Inc Stock Is a Hot Deal At This Bargain-Basement Price
PYPL stock is set for a big 2018. Here's what PayPal investors should know about the company's prospects in 2018. More