Dan Wiener

Dan Wiener

Recent Articles

Which Vanguard Bond Fund Is Right for You?

Not all of Vanguard’s fixed-income funds are created equal. Here’s my take on which mutual funds you should buy, sell or hold.

Gold Just Isn’t Worth the Risk

Even Vanguard's Precious Metals & Mining Fund -- one of the better-managed precious metals funds -- illustrates the poor risk/reward of gold-related investing.

Vanguard Capital Opportunity Fund Open for Business Again – VHCOX

After nine years of being closed, Vanguard Capital Opportunity Fund is open to new money. But think twice before entering a buy order.

3 Risks to Consider Before You Buy a Bond

Even Treasury bonds aren’t necessarily the “risk-off” investment many consider them to be. Here’s why.

Do Vanguard Funds Beat the Market?

Vanguard's quantitative actively managed fund returns weren't much different from investing in the S&P 500 Index.