Dan Wiener

Dan Wiener

Recent Articles

How Will Bond Investors Weather Rising Rates?

Even though rising interest rates hurt bond prices, Vanguard bond fund investors actually do a little better than their starting yield would suggest in this environment.

How to Avoid the $25k Minimum in Top Mutual Fund

The Vanguard Selected Value Fund is worth its steep minimum, but those seeking a lower entry point could try a mutual fund ETF.

Are Bond Investors Going to Get Burned?

Many Vanguard investors are worried about the bursting of the bond bubble.

Top Funds for Your 2011 401k

Here six of the best mutual funds and ETFs you should have in your 401k as we begin the New Year.

Vanguard Capital Value Mutual Fund Reopens

The Vanguard Capital Value Mutual Fund (VCVLX) has reopened to new mutual fund and 401k investors.

Best Vanguard Mutual Funds for Your 401k

Vanguard mutual funds are frequently featured in 401k investing plans, and here are the company's best offerings for your 401k.

Torturing the Numbers, Malkiel Shills for Indexing Again

A recent Wall Street Journal Op-Ed by former Vanguard board member and economics professor Burton Malkiel on the virtues of buy-and-hold investing, "Buy and Hold" Is Still A Winner,was another in a series of veiled advertisements for index funds.

Compensation: Strange Bedfellows, Indeed

It didn't take long for former Vanguard chairman Jack Brennan to land at least one lucrative gig after handing over the reins to Bill McNabb at the beginning of the year.

A New Start for a Struggling Stalwart

After years and years of underperformance at Vanguard US Growth (VWUSX), as well as a veritable musical chairs of managers, AllianceBernstein was given the pink slip on Oct 7th.

Vanguard Lowers the Bar on Admirals

Vanguard has slashed the minimums on most of its Admiral shares from the old $100,000 level for first-time buyers to anywhere from $10,000 for index funds to $50,000 for actively managed funds. In the past, established Vanguard investors who'd held a fund for 10 years with a balance of $50,000 or more were allowed to convert to Admiral shares, but this move obviously opens up access to a far greater number of investors.