Dan Wiener

Dan Wiener

Recent Articles

Vanguard Closes Asset Allocation Fund

Vanguard shut down Asset Allocation (VAAPX) and moved assets into Balanced Index (VBINX). Investors are better off there, but Wellington (VWELX) is even better.

Why Market Timing Is A Fool’s Game

So-called economic experts are routinely wrong in their predictions of short-term market movements for anywhere from a few weeks to a year out. So don't listen.

Europe, the U.S. Expansion and the Concordia Tragedy

Last week's big stories played out in several different areas, from European bond ratings to Fed policy direction to mutual funds that hold cruise lines.

3 Doomed Vanguard Funds

Beware of these three Vanguard funds that are doing more harm than good to investors of all types -- growth, value, income, index and retirement.

Vanguard Delays 2 New Foreign Bond Funds

Vanguard has delayed the introduction of two new international bond index funds and ETFs. Will this move prove to be another poor maneuver for Vanguard?