Dan Wiener

Dan Wiener

Recent Articles

Why Vanguard’s Special Retirement Funds Are a Rip-Off

Investing in Vanguard's "life-cycle" funds may feel like you're doing your money some good, but in fact you could simply be spinning your wheels -- and going nowhere. Let me explain.

3 Vanguard Funds to Avoid & One to Buy NOW!

Eight out of 10 people who invest at Vanguard settle for much lower profits than they should. In fact, some Vanguard funds that made sense as recently as a few months ago are suddenly profit pitfalls! Here are the three funds you should avoid at all costs, plus one fund to buy NOW.

The Truth About Vanguard’s “No-Load” Funds & Fees

Vanguard may be a no-load shop, but don't kid yourself: they can slap enough fees on you to make your head spin. Here's what you should know about costs before you sign on--and even how to avoid some of them. Plus, how to get Vanguard's attention fast if you ever get annoyed--for any reason!

4 Flunking Vanguard Funds

Settling for lower profits than you should? Vanguard has so many winners that it doesn't make any sense to stick with losers—and there's no shortage of them either! Popular or not, these two growth funds and two bond funds deserve the ax immediately, and I'll explain why without the sugar-coating.

Vanguard’s Nasty Little Secret

How far could your fund drop? Bombs away! Many popular Vanguard funds are extremely risky, but they won't tell you. We will. Our Maximum Cumulative Loss (MCL) formulation makes their 10-year return figures look like window dressing, and here's how plus how to double your returns without high risk.

Vanguard Funds: Fear, Fodder, Facts and Financials

Given the extreme volatility of the past few months, you're probably wondering if there's any way that we aren't headed for a major economic recession. With economic growth at fractional rates, plus declines in everything from orders for durable goods to housing starts to manufacturing -- it's likely that we could already be in a recession. However, all is not lost. I'm here today to tell you that there is a glimmer of light at the end of this long, dark tunnel and that comes in the form of better-than-expected corporate profits and top-notch fund managers. Recession or not, here's what I'm buying and the managers I trust to steer my portfolio through Wall Street's perfect storm.

How to Increase Profits with Vanguard Mutual Funds

Too many Vanguard investors believe their funds carry little if any risk, at least over the long haul. But nothing can be further from the truth. I'll tell you safer, more profitable ways to invest in my new report.

3 Mutual Funds Vanguard Wants to Keep Secret

While index funds—and many other famous "conservative" Vanguard funds continue to stumble in the current bear market, Vanguard's "Secret 3" are perfectly positioned to rocket ahead!

Financial Independence Day

Vanguard’s money funds are so low-cost and so safe that it’s a no-brainer when it comes to deciding where to stash your cash. Here’s why every investor should own them.

Top Tax Strategies for Retirement

Dan Wiener shares top tax strategies for your retirement savings.