Dan Wiener

Dan Wiener

Recent Articles

Overall, Not a Bad Week at All

This week's jobs report, positive news from Europe and rising home sales sparked a rally that wiped out all the ups and downs of the 2011 market.

November’s Retail Report Is Better Than It Looks

Retail sales numbers for November appeared disappointing, but FedEx's latest results refute the notion that consumers are holding back.

Why Investors Should Be Wary of Consumer Confidence Numbers

Consumer confidence numbers are poor indicators of anything other than how consumers say they feel at the moment.

Latest Mutual Fund Figures Distort True Performance

Using three-year numbers distorts true mutual fund performance. Investors are about to be bombarded with some of the most misleading performance numbers of the year

Morningstar’s Latest Attempt to Rate Funds Falls Flat

While some of Morningstar's mutual fund ratings are spot-on, many of them -- including VFINX, VEIEX, VASGX and VASIX -- are up for debate.