Dan Wiener

Dan Wiener

Recent Articles

Where Are Vanguard’s New Bond ETFs?

Vanguard's municipal bond porftolios showed net inflows and investors are still waiting for at least one new offering to hit the streets

Clear With a Chance of Storms on the September Horizon

September is traditionally a touchy month in the market, and with a presidential election and critical U.S. and European economic news coming, watch out!

Changes at Vanguard’s Health Care Fund as Owens Retires

After starting Vanguard Healthcare in 1984 and a stellar career, Ed Owens is stepping aside as Jean Hynes, a veteran at Vanguard, will assume Owens' role.

Vanguard Fires AllianceBernstein

Vanguard has fired AllianceBernstein from portfolio management positions on Global Equity (VHGEX), International Value (VTRIX) and Windsor (VWNDX).

Vanguard’s New TIPS Offering A Money Fund Alternative

In addition to its bellweather TIPS offering Vanguard has come up with another alternative with shorter term and ETF characteristics, much like an EFT play

Will Baby Boomers Bust the Market?

The baby-boomer generation is entering retirement age and with yields on fixed income down, a market approach is still a strong option

Vanguard Partnership Plan Pays Despite Performance

Vanguard's Partnership Plan will reward top managers well again this year despite lagging returns for investors in actual mutual fund performance

A Sloppy May Gives Way to June

May was difficult with stock market loses and extreme embarrassment for some companies. Here is a chart look at the summer prediction

Vanguard Removes Back-End Loads and Fees

Vanguard's move to knock out onerous back-end trading fees and various loads on its funds is good for investors, but probably is meant to keep managers happy.

10 Things Vanguard Won’t Tell You

To protect your retirement, your family and your future, you must avoid vulnerable Vanguard funds and know what secrets they are keeping.