Richard Band

Richard Band

Richard Band is the author of Contrary Investing, in addition to numerous investment monographs. He has appeared on financial radio and TV and has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes and other leading publications. Richard graduated from Yale University, magna cum laude, and has been a respected investment commentator since 1982.

Recent Articles

Will Apple’s Weakness Hobble the Bull?

So far it hasn't. But if another big name -- such as Amazon -- breaks down, watch out because investors could quickly turn defensive.

A Good Value Is Getting Hard to Find

Don't get suckered into buying expensive stocks just because everyone else is. You can find some good stocks, but be very careful in this frothy market.

3 Tips for Digging Up Safe Junk Bonds

Even at historic low yields, these bonds belong in your portfolio because all are not garbage. Here are some guidelines for income investors.

4 Ways to Invest in What You Know for 2013

We didn't fall off the fiscal cliff, but Congress still has plenty to decide in the coming months. Use these guidelines instead of trying to predict the future.

5 Mistakes You Don’t Have to Make in 2013

Even Warren Buffett slips up sometimes. But if you follow these five basic rules and use common sense, you’ll be richer for it in 2013.

MLPs: The Place to Be in 2013

Mr. Market might deal investors a jolt or two in 2013. Master limited partnerships (MLP) might just be the perfect hiding spot.

STHYX: A High-Yield, Low-Risk Bond Fund for the Fiscal Cliff

There's a pocket of value among junk bonds of short maturity (five years or less), which have nabbed higher returns with less risk.

Global Hope Beyond the Cliff in Mondelez

Amid all the doom and gloom, there are some reasons to expect growth. MDLZ is one stock that will benefit from global growth trends.

Microsoft: A Better Bet Than Munis

Don't follow the lemmings to munis. Many dividend-rich stocks like MSFT have dropped far enough to discount even a drastic tax hike in January.

Food for Thought While We Digest Merger News

Markets generally responded well to the holiday weekend even with some pushback so far this week, and a notable merger is a very good sign