Adam Levy

Adam Levy

Adam Levy is a financial analyst and writer specializing in technology and consumer goods companies. He spends a lot of time “researching” Facebook and Twitter, so follow him at @admlvy for more insight, analysis and St. Louis Cardinals mania.

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Should Apple Stock Investors Worry About iPhone Sales?

One analyst is predicting the first-ever sales decline for iPhone this quarter. But that doesn't mean Apple stock will crater.

Should You Buy Facebook Stock? 3 Pros, 3 Cons

Shares of Facebook stock are up 33% in 2015, but it's facing some growing headwinds. Is it still a buy? Let us help you decide.

Who Would Buy Yahoo Stock and Its Core Business?

Yahoo stock climbed after reports that management would discuss selling its core business, but who would be interested?

Can Emojis Optimize Ad Revenue for Twitter Stock Holders? (TWTR)

Twitter is testing new emojis as a way for users to express themselves. Sounds innocuous, but this test could result in higher revenue per user for Twitter stock investors.

Facebook Pages: Businesses Know Who’s Walking Past Their Stores

Facebook is providing Facebook Page owners with insights into foot traffic around their stores. Facebook stock owners could benefit.