Adam Levy

Adam Levy

Adam Levy is a financial analyst and writer specializing in technology and consumer goods companies. He spends a lot of time “researching” Facebook and Twitter, so follow him at @admlvy for more insight, analysis and St. Louis Cardinals mania.

Recent Articles

Twitter Stock: First TV Commercials Fail to Deliver

Twitter's first TV commercial failed to deliver, and Twitter stock will be in limbo until the company figures out how to attract new users.

Why Facebook Video Is a HUGE Catalyst for FB Stock

Facebook is working on several new video features, including a dedicated video section with advertisements to generate revenue for FB stock owners.

Could Telecoms Get a Deal In Next Year’s Incentive Auction?

The FCC thinks telecoms will spend over $60 billion in next year's incentive auction. AT&T Mobility's CEO thinks that's unrealistic.

NFLX Stock – Latest Price Increase Is a Bullish Development

NFLX stock increased 5% after the company announced a price increase. This is the second Netflix price increase in 18 months.

Facebook Inc’s Plan to Grab Ad Dollars From Television (FB)

Facebook stock looks even more attractive now that FB has introduced a way to attract more TV ad dollars to the social network.