Brian Nichols

Brian Nichols

Recent Articles

Yahoo Stock: Facebook’s Instant Articles Are Bad News for YHOO

With FB's Instant Articles making it easier for publishers to reach interested audiences and sharing plenty of ad revenue, Yahoo stock may be in trouble.

Buy Nokia and Alcatel-Lucent Ahead of the Merger (ALU, NOK)

Nokia stock's price leaves room for a ton of upside. Buying both NOK and ALU ahead of the two companies' merger could provide great long-term value.

Buy Facebook (FB) for the WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger Possibilities

WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger will drive FB stock higher. We just need to wait for the monetization to begin.

Forget COST, AXP Stock Is Now a Buy

The market is greatly exaggerating the impact of losing Costco for American Express. AXP has continued striking deals, and its business looks none the worse as the prepaid card industry expects a huge surge in purchases over the next few years.

Apple’s iPhone 6s, 6s Plus Sales Will Beat Last Year’s (AAPL)

Don't get bogged down by analyst pessimism. Apple stock will soar behind 20% unit growth for the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus.