Burke Speaker

Burke Speaker has been a journalist, writer and editor for the past 12 years, having worked at newspapers and magazines along the East Coast. His past writing has covered everything from health to business and finance to travel, the last of which he explores at TheTravellier.com.

Recent Articles

Small Cap Stocks – Why ICLD Is Soaring

Small cap stocks often make huge gains in a small period -- and InterCloud System is the latest example. ICLD stock up around 45% in this morning's trading.

The Most Amazing Uses of 3D Printing

3D printing is increasingly spreading its wings into all segments of life -- from industry and fashion to automotive and even space.

TWTR Stock — Can Twitter Raise Profitability With New Ad Idea?

Twitter (TWTR) is now adding double ads to turn a profit and appease investors who are hoping TWTR stock turns out much better than Facebook (FB) did.

Is NFLX Stock About to Get Sawed in Half … Again?

Netflix stock may be in danger of another loss like the one it incurred a few years back -- at least according to a new article that links the issue to free cash flow.

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With Facebook admitted in its most recent earnings reports that it is seeing a "decrease in daily users, specifically among teens" the question now is where teens are heading.