Burke Speaker

Burke Speaker has been a journalist, writer and editor for the past 12 years, having worked at newspapers and magazines along the East Coast. His past writing has covered everything from health to business and finance to travel, the last of which he explores at TheTravellier.com.

Recent Articles

Hyundai Recalls End With Resignations, Personnel Changes

Facing a slew of recalls over the past year, Hyundai Motor Company's chief technology officer has resigned and other personnel changes have been put into effect.

Tesla Model S Owner Unfazed by Car Catching Fire

In a customer blog post on the Tesla (TLSA) website, a Maryland Tesla owner describes how his Model S caught fire -- though that will not deter the love of the vehicle.

Bloomberg News Denies Claims of Censorship

Bloomberg News is denying that it censored its reporters in China from releasing a story critical of the nation's leaders, according to The New York Times.

FB vs. TWTR: Facebook Targets Twitter in Celebrity Rivalry

Facebook is set to push out a new feature that will directly challenge Twitter in targeting celebrities who use social media to engage with fans.

Police Issue Traffic Ticket for Using Google Glass

Police in California have issues what appears to be the first traffic ticket given to someone wearing Google Glass.