Burke Speaker

Burke Speaker has been a journalist, writer and editor for the past 12 years, having worked at newspapers and magazines along the East Coast. His past writing has covered everything from health to business and finance to travel, the last of which he explores at TheTravellier.com.

Recent Articles

FAA Recommends Allowing Smartphone, Tablet Use During Takeoff, Landing

An FAA advisory panel is recommending that passengers be allowed to use their smartphones, tablets, e-readers and other wireless devices during takeoff and landing

Cracker Barrel Announces $50M Share Buyback

Cracker Barrel will repurchase some $50 million in shares in a buyback program.

United Airlines to Honor the Free Tickets It Accidentally Gave Away

Customers will be able to use the airline tickets that United accidentally sold online to customers for free or for between $5 and $10.

Man Lives on Big Mac Diet for Last 30 Years, Remains Healthy

A 64-year-old man says he's eaten Big Macs for the past 30 years, sometimes two a day, on a diet that has kept him relatively healthy according to his doctor.

Why Chipotle Is Hiding Its Brand in New Videos, Game

Chipotle is banking on a move that will see the launch of a downloadable, interactive game and clever anti-Big Food messaging.