Burke Speaker

Burke Speaker has been a journalist, writer and editor for the past 12 years, having worked at newspapers and magazines along the East Coast. His past writing has covered everything from health to business and finance to travel, the last of which he explores at TheTravellier.com.

Recent Articles

AT&T (T) Wasting $19B On Network Upgrades?

Battling back criticism about slow or faulty networks, AT&T (NYSE: T) is on a PR blitz of late, struggling to tout the expensive updates made to its services. But for all the billions being poured into its upgrades, customers say they’re just not seeing the results.

Wendy’s Offers Healthy, Half-Sized Premium Salads

In a move that doubles as a healthy menu addition and a gain for thrifty consumers, Wendy’s (NYSE: WEN) is adding half-sized versions of its new premium salads, luring customers looking to spend less in a tough economy.

JetBlue and Southwest Top Major Airlines in Quality

Discount carriers JetBlue (NASDAQ: JBLU), Southwest (NYSE: LUV) and Frontier – a subsidiary of Republic Airways Holdings (NASDAQ: RJET) rank among the top airlines in terms of quality and service, despite their small size – showing these medium airlines are proving formidable foes to traditional carriers.

Auto-Parts Stocks Rev Up with Used-Car Demand

Used-car demand and prices are up, driving investor interest in auto-parts retailers and used-car auction houses.

GoDaddy for Sale, But Which Stocks Are Buying?

GoDaddy.com, the Internet domain register site well known by the Superbowl-watching public for its racy ads, is on the sales block for $1 billion – and companies are surely plotting their bid strategies.