Burke Speaker

Burke Speaker has been a journalist, writer and editor for the past 12 years, having worked at newspapers and magazines along the East Coast. His past writing has covered everything from health to business and finance to travel, the last of which he explores at TheTravellier.com.

Recent Articles

FDO, DLTR, NDN Beat Walmart at Its Own Game

In an economy in which everyone seems to be downsizing, it appears that Wal-Mart Stores (NYSE: WMT) shoppers are shifting gears, too -- and so-called “dollar stores” such as 99 Cents Only (NYSE: NDN), Family Dollar (NYSE: FDO) and Dollar Tree (NASDAQ: DLTR) are seeing gains that put the purported King of Everyday Low Prices on the defensive.

Airlines May Raise Fares This Fall to Boost Profits

Higher fares and higher fees may soon greet U.S. airline customers, as some industry experts cautiously predict increases in demand that could slowly recover from the last two years of economic turmoil.

Krispy Kreme Growing Again After Fall From Grace

The first of a proposed 14 new Dominican Republic Krispy Kreme (NYSE: KKD) doughnut shops opened its doors in Santo Domingo on Tuesday. For investors, this KKD stock move may be a sign not only of global expansion but of a perhaps slow and marked return to the former glory days at Krispy Kreme.

McDonald’s, BK Move Towards Higher Prices

In what’s being seen as a smart but a somewhat risky move, McDonald’s (NYSE: MCD) today announced the newest foray into premium pricing with its $5 Smokehouse Deluxe burger at a time when consumers are downgrading from casual dining restaurants to more fast-food fare.

Consumer Spending Woes Spark Retail Store Closures

The economic recovery has proven slower than some experts and government officials had predicted, so industry analysts say retailers’ move to protect their overall earnings isn’t altogether unexpected. The companies plan to close the underperforming stores at hundreds of locations nationwide.