Recent Articles
Does ‘Vanguarding’ Really Work?
Vanguard's new marketing push, including trademarking made-up vocabulary word "Vanguarding," is a major branding exercise for the mutual fund and investment company. The bigwigs at Vanguard say it will "educate investors about our way of investing." Really? Well does Vanguard's way of investing include making apples-to-bananas performance comparisons?
Tuition Tutorial: 529 College Funds
With tuition costs steadily rising and with more students are competing for aid and scholarships, it's more important than ever to prepare for the expense of college.
Vanguard’s Hot Hand for 2010
Although the top-performing Vanguard fund from 2009 has closed, these two funds are profitable alternatives.
Vanguard’s Managed Payout Funds Not Living Up to Their Promise
Mutual fund investors aren't buying into Vanguard's Managed Payout fund concept, and with good reason. These funds have a lot working against them.
Do You Own Vanguard’s 3 Worst Mutual Funds?
If you own one of Vanguard's three worst mutual funds, you need to sell them now. If not, you want to be sure you don't ever get lured into any one of them.

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