Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Recent Articles

How China Impacts Tech Stocks, and Why They’ll Rise in 2015

The coming year in cooling-off China is looking good for Microsoft, Cisco, Qualcomm, IBM and other companies stung in the past by Chinese government decrees

Chinese Small Caps: HAO Is Good, But Not Good Enough

The small caps HAO ETF offers broad access to Chinese companies, but investors looking for high yields can do better by playing individual stocks

Why Investors Can Feel Good About China’s Generic Drugs

Domestic companies stand to gain from growth in what’s now $45 billion market for generics drugs in China.

Don’t Get Burned by China’s Slumping Consumer Sector Stocks

Signs of a weakening economy should give should give Chinese consumer sector stock investors a big cause for pause.

How to Bet on Xiaomi, China’s Growing Smartphone Maker

Xiaomi, the world’s third-largest smartphone maker, isn't listed. But investors can trade the Chinese firm's suppliers and content partners.