Keith Fitz-Gerald

Keith Fitz-Gerald

Keith Fitz-Gerald is a private investor, analyst, and market researcher/educator based in the United States, active in the financial markets for the past 37 years. He began his career at Wilshire Associates in the late 1980’s and today is principal of the Fitz-Gerald Group, a private market research company exploring non-linear price prediction, stock selection, and investing education. Most recently, he’s founded One Bar Ahead™, a trading research and publication firm.

He is a popular speaker at financial conferences and a noted subject matter expert.

Recent Articles

Investors Are Opting for the Mattress Over the Market

Many are choosing their savings accounts over investing in the market. This is a big mistake. Risk-takers will take this pessimism and turn it into opportunity.

5 Stocks to Avoid Like the Plague

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Weak Earnings Today Could Unleash the Bulls Tomorrow

Everybody is hoping for a great earnings season when they should be rooting for a weaker showing.

Why a “Blindside” by China Means a Great Buying Opportunity

China is having growing pains, but so did the U.S., and it's still been the best place to invest for 100 years. I say ignore the naysayers, or you'll miss out.

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How Much Cash Should You Hold?

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European Debt Deal Does Little For The Long-Term

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How to Profit From Europe’s Debt Crisis

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A 5-Step Plan for Dealing with the Looming Bear Market

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