Kent Thune

Kent Thune

Kent Thune, CFP, is a financial professional that helps individuals and businesses achieve their goals through a variety of delivery methods, including investment advice, financial planning and writing. Kent is the owner of a registered investment advisory firm, Atlantic Capital Investments, LLC, and has been providing investment management services for clients all around the U.S. for 22 years. Although he shares his best ideas with his clients, Kent has been writing on mutual funds, ETFs, and capital markets for more than 10 years and has been published at some of the world’s most widely read websites, such as Seeking Alpha, Kiplinger, MarketWatch, The Motley Fool, The Balance, and InvestorPlace.

Recent Articles

7 Best Mutual Funds to Buy for the Rest of 2016

Don't expect the rest of 2016 to be a picnic. The best mutual funds to buy from here on out will need to be hardy, defensive plays.

31 Index Funds That Are Robbing You Blind

We shine the light on 31 grossly overpriced index funds -- as well as 12 cheaper alternatives you can buy that will save you tens of thousands of dollars through retirement.

The Perfect 10: Build a Fidelity Investments Portfolio

Fidelity Investments is one of the few mutual fund companies offering a wide range of high-quality, low-cost funds. Here are 10 of their best for a complete portfolio.

The 5 Best Vanguard Funds for Global Investment

If you're interested in building the most diverse and globally inclusive portfolio, these are the best Vanguard funds for the job.

7 Best Mutual Funds to Keep Taxes Low

If you want the best mutual funds for your taxable account, you'll want to check out these seven funds that can keep taxes low.