Nate Wooley

Nate Wooley

Nate Wooley is a South Carolina-based writer.  He’s also a retired investment rep who reads everything he can get his hands on.

Recent Articles

Parkay Spray Contains HOW Many Calories?

A lawsuit against Parkay Spray alleges that the "no-fat no-calorie" butter substitute has a lot of fat and calories.

Starbucks CEO Doesn’t Want Your Money If You’re Against Gay Marriage

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz is maintaining the company's support for gay marriage and told an investor to sell his shares if he didn't like it.

Dr. Oz Sued Over Insomnia Remedy Gone Bad

A man in New Jersey is suing celebrity physician Dr. Oz after he reportedly burned himself while following the doctor's advice.

Watch Out! Mila Kunis Is in Stocks!

Actress Mila Kunis has moved her money into the market, and at least a few skeptics have taken the news as a sign the market has topped.

Reuters Reporter Charged With Aiding Anonymous Hackers

A Reuters reporter has been indicted by a federal grand jury for conspiring with the hacking group Anonymous.