Rohit Chhatwal

Rohit Chhatwal

Rohit Chhatwal has worked in the technology sector for over 4 years. This included working with industry stalwarts like IBM. He has done his MBA in finance and has been covering various blue-chip stocks for the past 5 years.
Having hands-on experience in the tech industry has helped him gain valuable insights on the ups and downs of this sector and predict winners and losers more accurately.

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Amazon Stock Faces Threat From Walmart’s Expanding Subscription Program

As Walmart expands its subscription program and signs new partnerships, Amazon stock could be hurt if the growth of Amazon Prime slows.

Alibaba Is Quietly Undermining Amazon’s Influence

Amazon is one of the most dominant companies in the world, but Alibaba stock is already showing strong signs bullishness for a successful market penetration.

Apple Inc’s Growth Prospects Look Exhausted

Apple faces a major headwind due to rapid consolidation within the smartphone industry in China. As the top 5 smartphone makers increase their market share, they are indulging in more aggressive pricing. This has negatively impacted Apple in mid-tier segment.