Rohit Chhatwal

Rohit Chhatwal

Rohit Chhatwal has worked in the technology sector for over 4 years. This included working with industry stalwarts like IBM. He has done his MBA in finance and has been covering various blue-chip stocks for the past 5 years.
Having hands-on experience in the tech industry has helped him gain valuable insights on the ups and downs of this sector and predict winners and losers more accurately.

Recent Articles

Alibaba Stock Will Be Impacted by Setback in India

BABA is moving away from funding unsuccessful startups. That should be positive for Alibaba stock and boost BABA stock in the long-term.

Amazon Stocks Should Grow on Its Automation Efforts

Amazon stock will depend on improvement in margins of the shipping and fulfillment costs. AMZN's automation investments should help.

Amazon’s Advertising Business Is in a Transition

Amazon stock is dependent on the performance of advertising segment -- and worries about that segment are overblown.

Forget Trade Worries, Apple Stock Is a Buyback Story

Apple stock is heavily dependent on the buyback pace, reducing the importance of AAPL fundamentals in the short term.

Alibaba’s Delivery Platform Provides a Big Opportunity

Alibaba's delivery platform should show better margins as the price wars with rival Meituan slows. That could be another growth driver for BABA stock.