Serge Berger

Serge Berger

Serge Berger is the Head Trader and Investment Strategist for The Steady Trader.

He has been an active trader since 1998. During his career, he has been a financial analyst, dealt in fixed income instruments at JPMorgan, and was a proprietary trader in equity options and futures. Having exposure to a range of different asset classes allowed him to identify which asset classes and strategies best fit his goal of achieving consistent profits.

Over the years, he created a trading methodology that divides markets into different time frames and characters, allowing him to determine which strategies to apply in which situations without emotion. By focusing on only the highest probability trading setups, Serge maximizes overall profitability and minimizes stress and volatility.

Follow him on Twitter via @SteadyTrader.

Recent Articles

Trade of the Day: Whirlpool Stock Is Flashing All the Right Buy Signals

WHR stock has traded in a well-defined range since February and recently arrived at the lower end of its range where a buy trade in Whirlpool is setting up.

Trade of the Day: General Electric Stock Is Ready to Spark Higher

Shares of General Electric have been acting well lately, which has GE stock up for a trade to the upside. Here's what you need to know.

Trade of the Day: Intel Stock Is Finally Worth Buying Again

INTC stock has fallen hard and in a straight line since mid-April. Intel is now record oversold, which makes now a good time to buy.

Trade of the Day: Microsoft Stock Is Overbought and Heavy

MSFT stock has had another vertical blastoff rally, which has led to a prime opportunity for active investors and traders.

Trade of the Day: Nike Stock Sets Up for A Bounce

After the recent pullback, Nike stock is setting up for a tradeable bounce against a well-defined area of technical support.