Serge Berger

Serge Berger

Serge Berger is the Head Trader and Investment Strategist for The Steady Trader.

He has been an active trader since 1998. During his career, he has been a financial analyst, dealt in fixed income instruments at JPMorgan, and was a proprietary trader in equity options and futures. Having exposure to a range of different asset classes allowed him to identify which asset classes and strategies best fit his goal of achieving consistent profits.

Over the years, he created a trading methodology that divides markets into different time frames and characters, allowing him to determine which strategies to apply in which situations without emotion. By focusing on only the highest probability trading setups, Serge maximizes overall profitability and minimizes stress and volatility.

Follow him on Twitter via @SteadyTrader.

Recent Articles

Trade of the Day: The Semiconductor ETF (SMH) Is Set Up for a Trade

After a 16% drop since early March, the SMH ETF has now arrived at a critical technical  juncture where a tradeable bounce could set up.

Trade of the Day: Twitter Inc Holds the Line After Earnings

TWTR stock fell 2.4% after earnings as investors showed some concerns around the outlook. Still, Twitter is now at a level where active investors could look to place long-side swing trading bets. 

Trade of the Day: The Bearish Reversal in Caterpillar Inc. Constructs a Trade

After earnings, Caterpillar stock left behind on the daily chart what we refer to as a bearish reversal day that likely calls for further weakness in CAT in coming weeks.

Trade of the Day: Here’s How to Trade, Inc. Following Earnings

Amazon stock has traded out a well-defined trading range over the past couple of months. Traders could look to place trades in AMZN following the April 26 earnings report.

A Big Test for Stocks Lies Ahead This Week

A big test for stocks lies ahead this week as heavily-weighted large-cap tech names report this week, among a ton of other stocks in different sectors and groups.