Venture Capital Investor staff

Recent Articles

Can Elon Musk Save the Internet?

Internet infrastructure relies on undersea cable that is threatened by natural disasters and other causes. One solution is satellites.

Breakthrough Transplants Signal BIG Opportunity

We've achieved a breakthrough in transplants: successfully moving a body part from an animal to a human. Expect more like it on the horizon.

Blockchain Opens the VC Market to All

Kickstarter invented the modern idea of crowdfunding, and now it's looking to reinvent it by bringing the whole process to the blockchain.

What We Can Learn From the Theranos and WeWork Stories

Lying to investors, spending millions irresponsibly — the mistakes of WeWork and Theranos are glaring in hindsight. We can learn from them.

These Will Be the Private Investing Winners and Losers for 2022

In 2022, expect to see some billion dollar private companies fail, and expect to see more ways that retail investors can participate.