Options Education

Options Strategies: Long Strangle

Options Industry Council Strategy Briefs

Options Strategies: Bull Call Spread

The Options Industry Council offers a briefing on options strategies.

Options Strategies: Protective Put

The Options Industry Council offers a briefing on options strategies.

Options Strategies: Married Put

The Options Industry Council offers a briefing on options strategies.

Options Strategies: Long Call

The Options Industry Council offers a briefing on options strategies.

Options Pricing

The Options Industry Council offers the basics on getting started with options investing.

What is an Option?

Using options as investment tools and determining the value and price of an option.

What is an Option? Part 1

Definitions and other introductory material on options.

What is an Option? Part 3

The Options Industry Council offers the basics on getting started with options investing.

Getting Started in Options

The Options Industry Council offers the basics on getting started with options investing.

Options — Benefits and Risks

The Options Industry Council offers the basics on getting started with options investing.

Options Strategies: Collar

Options Industry Council Strategy Briefs

4 Benefits of Selling Options

When you buy options, you have to be right about market direction and about the amount of time it will take the market to move. But did you know that it is possible to be on the other side of the trade?

Trading Alert for Atmel Corporation (ATML)

Buy these call options on semiconductor stock Atmel Corporation (NASDAQ:ATML) before it reports earnings next week.

Understanding How Implied Volatility Affects Options Traders

When used correctly, implied volatility can control your risk and help you make smarter trades by getting a better read on market behavior.

What Happens to Options When a Stock Goes Bankrupt?

Companies on the verge of bankruptcy can create dramatic investing opportunities, but there are a lot of risks involved. Some investors think those risks can be avoided with options, but that's not the case.

Writing Options Straddles – Profit in a Stagnant Market

By selling an options straddle, you can profit even if the market is going nowhere.

Options Straddles – How to Profit if the Market Goes Up … or Down

Have a hunch that the market is going to make a big move, but not sure in which direction? Here's a low-risk way to make big returns.

How to Buy Stocks at a Discount by Writing Put Options

Option traders have the upper hand in buying discounted stocks by selling put options. Here's how it works.