Options 101

Live Well, Thanks to Dying Companies

If you don't want to buy a company's products or services, you shouldn't buy its stocks.

Don’t Give the IRS All Your Money

The IRS is just as happy when you make successful trades as you are. But don't give them more than you absolutely have to.

Closing Your Call Option Trades

You've bought a call option and it's showing a profit. What's the best way to eke out as many gains as possible on your position?

‘Spread’ Your Wings

If you are familiar with buying calls and puts, we'll show you how to buy them even cheaper.

Trading Tactics for the Short Side

Michael Shulman discusses four trading tactics you'd better know and understand before going short with put options.

3 Ways to Sell Short

A quick quiz -- what are the three things you can short? Check your answers below.

3 Ways to Sell Short

A quick quiz -- what are the three things you can short? Check your answers below.

What is a Short Option Position?

Did you know there are several ways you can go short? Well, if you didn't you're not alone. I'll help you count the ways to go short.

Making a Short Trade

Do you know what the trading issues are when shorting a stock? Don't get blindsided with shorting.

Short-Selling With Put Options 101

How often have we heard, "The shorts are bringing it down?" I'm going to talk to you about what's true and what isn't.

5 Short-Side Investment Rules

What are the five rules for constructing great short-side positions? Read on to find out.

Why Options LEAP to New Ticker Symbols

Not sure what LEAPS are all about? Learn how they can help you make a handy profit.

3 Profit-taking Tips to Live By

We've got three tips you can't live without if you trade options. They are short and sweet and can earn you a bundle.

Short-Term Gains Using Long-Term Options

Stock options are excellent speculative vehicles and can be inexpensive to boot!

10 Commandments: Buying and Selling Options

Limit your risk when trading options. Learn Ken Trester's 10 commandments to ensure you bank money in both bull and bear markets.

‘Order’ Your Broker to Enter Trades Cheaper

Let your broker do the work! With the right directions you don't have to be glued to your computer screen.

Join the Options Trading Party

Still wary of trading options? Don't sit on the fence any longer -- your time to profit awaits!

Read This Before You Buy Another Stock

A savvy stock position can start with a single options trade.

4 Factors in Play With Options Trades

Frenzied market activity and volatile price action can be a option trader's friend or foe.