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Options 101
The Big VIX Picture
Adam Warner
The VIX seems to have found a pretty comfortable range here, but there are some real changes below the surface.
Can You Handle Exotic Options?
Jim Woods, Editor-in-Chief, Successful Investing, Intelligence Report, Bullseye Stock Trader
If you haven't heard of exotic options, you're not alone. Take our quiz to see if you're ready for the potentially very profitable world of exotic options.
Naked Puts – An Alternative to Covered Calls
Learn why put writing can be less risky and offer more profit potential than writing covered calls.
Sinking VIX Drowns ETNs
Adam Warner
The declining VIX has taken a huge toll on even the longer-duration VIX products.
Will the Election Kick Volatility Into Overdrive?
Adam Warner
The VIX is up about 15% in the past six trading days. Will the election be just the catalyst we need for volatility to spring back into the markets?
VIX Below 20, Is Volatility Cheap?
Adam Warner
The VIX is back to pre-flash-crash levels, but you may still be overpaying for options.
VXX Sux!
Adam Warner
Find of why VIX ETN iPath S&P 500 VIX Short Term Futures ETN (NYSE: VXX) is practically useless as a trading vehicle.
VIX Goes to Canada
Adam Warner
The TMX Group Inc. launched a volatility index called the S&P/TSX 60 VIX.
8 Things You Must Do Before Expiration Day
Expiration trading provides a lot of opportunity, but it's not as easy as you think. Get tips for managing expiring options positions.
A Funny Thing Happened in the VIX Today
Adam Warner
Find out what the unusual VIX action may be signaling.
Weekly Options – Find Out What You’re Missing
Weekly options, or weeklys, offer options traders a number of advantages, including increased flexibility.
Using the VIX to Forecast the Market’s Direction
Adam Warner
There's a simple rule for determining if stocks are overbought or oversold.
Introducing VIX Weekly Options
Adam Warner
VIX Weeklys, which are weekly options on VIX futures, offer a whole new way to trade the volatility of volatility.
3 Options Trading Risks That Can be Skirted
Learn about some of the most common risks in options trading and how to mitigate them.
A Better Way to Trade the VIX?
Adam Warner
A new ETN could solve some of the problems with the current VIX products.
Buying to Open vs. Selling to Open Options
Learn about the two basic types of options trades: selling and buying to open options positions.
The Secret 99% of Investors Don’t Know
Find out who is making a killing while you sleep.
A VIX Product That’s Headed to Zero
Adam Warner
Find out why the iPath S&P 500 VIX Short Term Futures ETN (NYSE: VXX) doesn't measure up.
What Happens to In-the-Money Puts at Expiration?
Chris Johnson and Jon Lewis, Contributors
Find out why you're better off selling the put option than holding it through expiration.