Why You’re Receiving the InvestorPlace Digest

A Personal Letter from InvestorPlace CEO Brian Hunt

Hello… and welcome to InvestorPlace.

And congratulations on being smart.

My name is Brian Hunt. I’m the CEO of InvestorPlace.

I plan to help you become even smarter… and much richer as well.

If you have just 60 seconds, I’ll quickly share my “grand plan” for achieving these goals with you.

Why Am I Receiving the InvestorPlace Digest?

If you’ve landed on this web page, you might be wondering why you’re receiving the InvestorPlace Digest… and what our company is all about.

My goal in writing this letter is to answer your questions… and explain how our company’s work could massively benefit you, both financially and intellectually.

InvestorPlace is one of America’s largest, longest-standing independent financial research firms.

Started over 40 years ago by a business visionary named Tom Phillips, we publish detailed research and recommendations for self-directed investors, financial advisors, and money managers. Most of our products are sold on a subscription basis, much like newspapers and magazines.

Unlike many financial firms, InvestorPlace does not accept money from the companies we cover. We don’t accept banking fees. We simply publish our ideas with the aim of enriching and educating investors. If we do our jobs well, our customers stick around. It’s a simple, transparent business model investors have loved since the 1970s.

I believe InvestorPlace has been in business for so long — and serves so many wealthy customers around the world — because of one simple reason: Results.

An Unmatched Track Record of Serving Investors

You see, I don’t know of another financial research firm with our incredible track record of getting “big calls” right.

  • Our analysts recommended Internet stocks in the early 1990s… years before they became “hot.”
  • In the mid-1980s, our analysts forecasted the personal computer boom and helped investors make big gains in computer stocks.
  • We forecasted the historic bull market of the 1980s and 1990s.
  • Our analysts warned investors that tech stocks were becoming dangerous in 2000… and shorted many of them, helping readers make big gains as they collapsed.
  • One of our analysts forecasted the 2008 mortgage meltdown and the bankruptcy of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
  • We urged people to load up on cheap stocks in 2009, right before they soared hundreds of percent.
  • Our analysts urged investors to buy gold in 2002, right before it soared more than 500%.
  • We urged people to buy Apple when it traded for the equivalent of $4 per share… We urged people to buy Amazon before it soared over 2,000%… and we recommended Google stock way back in 2004, before it became the world dominating stock it is today.
  • Our work has been featured in publications such as Barron’s, Time, and the Wall Street Journal. Our analysts have made over 1,000 appearances in outlets like Bloomberg, CNN, and CNBC. We’ve even appeared on ABC’s Good Morning America.

I could go on and on and on…

I point out these things not to boast… but to show you how we’ve helped our customers grow wealthy and that our independent research can help you too.

How I Hope to Earn Your Business

For many folks, reading the InvestorPlace Digest is the first step in benefitting from our insights.

The InvestorPlace Digest is our free “in house” daily dispatch that covers every important business and investment situation on Earth.

Inside the Digest, you’ll find a range of useful, interesting — and most importantly ACTIONABLE — insights and recommendations.

Our goal in producing the InvestorPlace Digest is to alert you to massive business trends like the Internet in the early 1990s and personal computers in the 1980s. We’ll alert you to big dangers like we did with tech stocks in the 2000s… and the housing market in 2007.

And when there’s an opportunity to make big, fast gains in rapidly developing booms like Bitcoin and legal marijuana, we’ll make sure you’re informed (just like we did with both of these sectors YEARS before they went “mainstream”).

Our analysts and researchers are obsessively focused on getting our readers to the biggest opportunities FIRST.

Wall Street won’t tell you this, but by the time the general public hears about a major investment trend, the big money has already been made… by those who got there FIRST.

As a reader of the InvestorPlace Digest, you’ll hear all about the next trends poised to hand investors 1,000%+ gains… and you’ll get specific and actionable recommendations for taking advantage of them.

Even better, you’ll be the first one in your neighborhood… the first one in your company… among the first people in the world to know about them.

That’s our promise to you.

In addition to money-making opportunities, we’ll also help you protect against financial shocks and bear markets. We’ll show you how to rig your financial sails for “all weather”… and help you create a crisis-proof and inflation-proof portfolio that safely and surely grows your wealth in ANY kind of market.

Don’t worry if you don’t have the time to read all the major investment journals, newspapers, magazines, and financial research reports. We have a staff of more than a dozen researchers and analysts contributing to the InvestorPlace Digest.

We read everything for you… and share with you ONLY the most important, most useful ideas. We filter out all the fluff and BS… and pass along time-saving “condensed wisdom” to our readers.

We aim to show you what’s around the corners of the business and investment world… we’ll help you connect the dots and know what’s really happening behind mainstream headlines.

It’s by following these mandates that we count so many hedge fund managers, financial advisors, and wealthy individuals as long-standing clients.

By producing the InvestorPlace Digest and sharing our work for FREE, my hope is that you’ll quickly see the value and usefulness of our independent research and recommendations… and consider joining so many of America’s most successful people as a member of our “family.”

I hope you enjoy and profit from the InvestorPlace Digest.

Our team is looking forward to serving you for a very long time.


Source: InvestorPlace unless otherwise noted

Brian Hunt
InvestorPlace CEO

Page printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/corporate/why-youre-receiving-the-investorplace-digest/.

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