
bondsThe premise of bonds is simple: you invest your money to an entity and, after a set period of time, that money matures and can be collected for more than what you invested. Some of the more popular bonds are government bonds, which have been used in the past to fund wars, public utilities, and various federal and state projects.

The main caveat to bonds is their limited returns and the possibility of that yield barely even surpassing inflation. However, the security of bonds is priceless. Bonds are all but sure things and even if the issuer goes bankrupt, bond holders (lenders) are the first to be paid out. Bonds have their place in any portfolio, as they provide lockdown stability and even some growth.

QE3 Is Here. Hooray?

So much for "sell the news." Markets boomed on confirmation of a third round of quantitative easing -- despite the fact that it won't fix anything.

How Much Higher Can Junk Bonds Go?

The market sure looks frothy -- with high-yield bonds returning 12.2% so far this year. But the fact remains that safety doesn't pay these days.

Tap Closed-End Funds, Leave Bonds Behind

Where are investors going to find yields to replace their bonds? One option is closed-end funds, a sort of hybrid between a public company and a mutual fund.

Emerging-Market Bonds Are Hot … Too Hot!

Emerging-market bonds have surged in the past two months. While the long-term outlook remains positive, the current yields aren't enticing.

The Global Currency Trade Is Heating Up

Bond, stocks and gold are all tracking the dollar-euro relationship. What does this mean for the financial market outlook?

What QE3 Won’t Change

Fundamental hurdles, economic anxiety and political uncertainty remain. Expect more choppy, volatile trading.

Bill Gross Gives More Eye-Rolling Advice

Bill Gross' missive this month is elementary to say the least -- especially coming from a guy managing hundreds of billions of dollars in assets.

Leading Bond ETFs You Don’t Know About

The world of bond ETFs offers investors a number of lesser-known ways to earn higher yields and improve diversification. Find out how.

Don’t Sweat Any Dividend Tax Hike

Fears that higher taxes on dividends spell bad things for dividend stocks are greatly overblown. Here's why.

From the NFL: Game-Winning Investing Strategies

‘Playing the situation’ -- such as when you're creeping closer to retirement -- can pay off on the field – and in your portfolio.

Bill Gross is Betting on Mexico — Here’s Why

It's not easy to find a way to invest in Mexican debt, but it could be a good option. Bill Gross sure thinks so.

4 Benefits of Using Savings Bonds to Retire

Most investors save for retirement with a 401k or IRA, but savings bonds actually have some advantages.

Why You Should Care About Credit Spreads

Bond credit spreads aren't just a good gauge for examining bonds -- they also can be a helpful tool for stock investors, too.

Buffett Said ‘Bye’ to This, But I Say ‘Buy!’

Warren Buffett may have ended his bet on municipal bonds, but that doesn't mean you should. Their bad rap could overshadow a good investment.

August Rate Roundup: CDs, Money Markets and Mortgages

Investors have a lot of cash sitting on the sidelines, but they're still not getting much for it. In August, yields were almost entirely unchanged from July.

QE3 Odds Improve After Fed Minutes, But …

The Fed's minutes will have investors looking to Jackson Hole for more QE3 clarity, but improved prospects or not, they shouldn't get too excited. Here's why.

Muni Investors, Watch These Vital Signs

The muni bond market has been immune to adverse news so far this summer. Are investors ignoring the risks? These charts will be early warnings.

The Bond Bull Isn’t Done Chargin’

This week's bond market sell-off turned heads, but it's merely a gust against the prevailing downward winds.

Investors in TIPS Funds Might Face a Rude Awakening

If you hold TIPS exchange-traded funds for inflation protection, you should think twice. You might be getting just the opposite.