
Game the Dollar’s Demise With Oil Puts

The chart for the U.S. dollar is looking gloomier, but rather than play the currency, try this options play on oil instead.

Consumers Paying Record Gas Prices for February

Gas prices have risen to their highest recorded level for early February as crude oil prices rise and refineries shut down.

Don’t Miss the Value Being Unlocked at Hess

Energy firm Hess is looking to sell some of its assets, while activist hedge fund Elliott Management is pushing for a spin-off. Either path looks promising.

Is Trouble Brewing for the Refiners?

A global refinery-building binge in key emerging markets could undermine some of the recent bullishness in U.S. refiners.

5 Promising Ancillary Domestic Energy Plays

As the domestic energy boom matures, some ancillary players are going to become very attractive. Check out the top five picks in the service sector.

Petrobras: Great Reserves, Awful Stock

It's awash in oil and is on a roll in finding new monster fields offshore. But government interference is stifling its potential and keeping investors at bay.

2 Energy MLPs at Attractive Entry Points

These high yielders have maintained their dividends despite fluctuations in oil and natural gas prices, and due to some year-end selling, it's a buyer's market.

All Eyes on MLPs for 2013

These high-yield darlings promise to outperform again, thanks to the sure-to-be-steady continued growth in energy infrastructure in North America.

Can You Get Your Kicks With Phillips 66?

The ConocoPhillips spin-off is still young, so let's compare it to some well-established rivals and see if it offers a better value play -- or not.

Look Beyond the Rocky Start for QEP’s MLP

Its rich shale holdings could make it a prime takeover target, whose value the spin-off would enhance. Even without the deal, it's a solid energy play.

Shell’s Arctic Drilling Gets Frozen … Again

Stormy weather has put another obstacle in the way of Shell’s $4.5 billion Arctic drilling project and the series of problems doesn't bode well for investors.

For Transocean, It’s Finally Time to Shine

Getting the Deepwater Horizon disaster behind it legally with a $1.4 billion settlement will get it fully focused on lucrative deepwater drilling again.

2013 Energy Outlook: Oil, Gas Prices Expected to Ease

If a double-whammy of higher global production amid sluggish economic growth continues, oil prices won't see much action to the upside in 2013.

Pipelines Prove Where The Real Action Is

The pipeline sector has been cooking up some pretty big deals lately -- and ones that could pay off big for investors down the road.

Freeport-McMoRan a Buy After the Megadeal

An overly pessimistic Wall Street just turned Freeport McMoRan into a screaming bargain buy following its buyouts of MMR and PXP.

If Oil Flies, This Fly Will Profit

For those who think oil will play catch-up to the broader market run, USO's recent attack on resistance makes now a smart time to consider a bullish trade.

Energy Producers Swarm the Gulf’s Deepwater

A fevered auction for leases in the western Gulf of Mexico this week shows how hot this region is. Four companies in particular were the big winners.

Stocks at New Highs, New Lows for 11/27

Get the scoop on today's big moves. See which stock hit a new 52-week high, and one that found a new 52-week low.

2 Stocks to Trade the Next Decade’s Trend

The U.S is poised to become the largest oil producer in the world, and investors should start to look at the opportunities now: here are 2 stocks to start with