
BPT Shows Power of Royalty Trusts in a Dividend Portfolio

The biggest concern with royalty trusts is the threat of depletion. But for BP Prudhose Bay, that day look at least a couple years away.

Hold Off on Transocean for Now

Trends might point to a profitable future for Transocean, but investors will lose in the short-term with RIG's Justice Department settlement.

Did Conoco Cut Off a Valuable Arm?

Its first earnings report after spinning off Phillips 66 as a refiner wasn't promising. Conoco's dependence on oil prices for profits became all too clear.

Use USO Short Puts to Play Oil’s Dip

With oil's path of least resistance remaining sideways to higher, selling put options in the United States Oil Fund appears a reasonable strategy.

Pengrowth Energy: The Perils of Chasing Yield

A dividend cut at this struggling natural gas stock serves as a lesson: Even though the yield still looks enticing, it's clearly not sustainable.

3 Buys in Offshore Oil Services

Deepwater drillers may be sexier, but these guys are essential players -- and without their technology and know-how, this energy would never get to the surface.

China’s Energy-Buying Binge Is Just Starting

CNOOC's $15 billion grab of Canada's Nexen means more deals are coming, particularly in Canada. Here are some possibilities for the next to go.

6 Reasons to Buy Exxon Mobil

Exxon Mobil is the best single integrated-energy stock in the market right now. Here's why it offers the best value, quality and growth profile of any energy giant in the world.

Surging Drill Rig Rates Will Fuel Noble

One of Noble's newest state-of-the-art rigs is now contracted to Anadarko for $618,000 a day -- and more of these super-capable deepwater rigs are on the way.

All Aboard the Bakken Shale Railroad Plays

The ever-growing need to move drilling material in and crude oil out by rail is creating a gusher of revenue for a select group of railroad companies.

BP Just Can’t Win in Russia

Its joint venture with TNK is a key revenue lifeline that has helped BP cope financially in the aftermath of Deepwater Horizon. But it may soon get cut.

Oil’s Slide Spells Options Opportunity

Oil has fallen since its recent gains -- if you're willing to be it's low price will hold for the next month, now's the time to sell put options on the USO.

For Europe, Shale Gas Is No Panacea

Europe has plenty of reserves. Getting them out is the hard part, especially considering the widespread environmental and political opposition to fracking.

East Coast Drivers Catch a Big Break

A last-minute deal between Sunoco and Carlyle will keep the region's biggest refinery open. And Carlyle says it'll make major upgrades so it can use cheaper WTI.

A Chill for Energy in Q2

Tumbling crude and natural gas prices were the quarter's top stories. But Iran's saber-rattling and CEO shenanigans at Chesapeake also scored high.

Energy Mega-Caps: A Shelter in the Storm

The tendency of these three energy sector stocks to hold up well through down markets is proving that sometimes, boring is better.

All News Is Bad News: Thursday’s IP Market Recap

Poor economic news from around the world and the U.S. combined with warnings on earnings and forecasts to drop markets throughout the day.

Frontier Markets: The New Emerging Markets?

The global slowdown has places like Vietnam, Turkey and Colombia looking more attractive. And they could actually help take some risk out of your portfolio.

The Toxic Past Haunting Anadarko’s Future

Anadarko’s legal headache can be traced back to its 2006 acquisition of Kerr-McGee’s oil and gas assets (along with its toxic legacy). Now APC is facing a $25B lawsuit thanks to that deal.