The end of the student loan freeze will have a great deflationary impact on the U.S. economy -- and be a massive boon for SoFi stock. More
Catch a Ride to Massive Gains on High-Flying Cyber Stocks
The tailwinds for cybersecurity are truly enormous right now. And that's really got us fired up about cyber stocks. More
Could Biden’s Student Loan Plan Boost SoFi Stock Quickly?
The resumption of student loan payments will have a great deflationary impact on the U.S. economy and will be a massive boon for SoFi stock. More
Finding Optimism Amid Bear Market Worries
Investors are laser-focused on the Fed's symposium and its impact on the market. More
💣 Why I Don’t Agree With Michael Burry This Time
A hefty discussion on retail earnings, housing data, cryptos, and whether Michael Burry is right to make a “Doomsday Call” on the economy. More
The Good News, Bad News Cycle Continues
We identify why the stock market is rallying in the face of bad news this week. More
Why Today’s SoFi Breakout Could Lead to a Triple-Digit Rally Tomorrow
In the current economic environment, fintech companies weren't expected to deliver much. And yet SoFi released superb numbers. More