iPhone Slow? Apple Accused of Throttling Older Models

Apple (AAPL) is being accused by some of slowing its older model iPhones to push users toward buying the newest model.

Source: ©iStock.com/mingman

Google (GOOG) searches for “iPhone slow” peak when Apple releases the next version of its iPhone. While the tech company does have the means to purposely slow older iPhones, it isn’t likely that it would do so in fear of legal action and a loss of loyal customers to devices using Google’s Android operating system, ZDNet notes.

One cause for the peak in “iPhone slow” searches could be the updated iOS. Moving on to the new version of iOS that is often released alongside a new iPhone could be slowing down older models of the phone, but not intentionally. Google likely doesn’t suffer from “Android slow” claims because a wide variety of smartphones use its operating system and not all of them update to the newest one, reports ZDNet.

The idea that a manufacturer would purposely put a limited lifetime on a product is called planned obsolescence. Apple isn’t the only company accused of planned obsolescence and the term has been around since the Great Depression. Several products, including cars, microwaves and more, have been believed to have a limited lifetime in an effort to get customers to buy newer versions of them, Daily Mail notes.

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Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/2014/07/iphone-slow-apple-aapl-stock/.

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